Bimonthly update: March-April 2025

by Hostmaster

Steady as she goes

Our objectives for 2025

This year Nomagic is getting some reinforcement on the system administration side. This is still a work in progress, but if it all works out our members will beneficiate from more regular application updates, while the infrastructe gets special attention as several key components will require migrating this year.

Another exciting upcoming new feature this year will be the introduction of a Single Sign-On (SSO) portal for our members, with the objective to then progressively move most of our services’ authentication on that SSO.

SSO will typically let you authenticate once and further grant you access to all applications connected to it transparently (without having to re-authenticate). We will go into more details when it gets released.

Applications upgrades

The following applications have been upgraded to their latest stable versions:

For more details on each service, see our online catalog.

We also started the migrations to Debian 12 (Bookworm). We are current at about 25 % of containers migrated.

Bugs and issues

We have been having another round of tough times with Synapse Matrix infamously known state_groups_state table accumulating more that a 100 GB of metadata. Space has been cleared and we have attempted to adjust our own homeserver settings to prevent joining huge rooms that create that kind of trouble.

This also stopped from backups from running as it got full. Additional cleaning brought the situation back to normal, although additional improvement are also planned this year regarding the control of the backups.

Coming up

web feeds

Our road map now includes:

Short-term objective

  • Review and fix various points regarding our backups.
  • Migrate all containers to Debian 12 \o/. The objective is to have had all containers migrated by the end of the year.
  • Start working on Nomagic SSO.

Mid-term objevtives

  • Set up a new monitoring solution for Nomagic, based on Zabbix :wrench: and Grafana :sparkles:

Road icons made by mavadee from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY.

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