Full listing

  • Bimonthly update: March-April 2025
    Steady as she goes Our objectives for 2025 This year Nomagic is getting some reinforcement on the system administration side. This is still a work in progress, but if it all works out our members will beneficiate from more regular application updates, while the infrastructe gets special attention as several...
  • Association management
    Manage your Association at Nomagic Deployed for some time, Nomagic officially announces its association management service, using Paheko free and open source software! Paheko is a solution developed by the association La Rustine in Dijon. Designed to meet the needs of small to medium-sized structures, some of the main supported...
  • Bimonthly update: June-July 2024
    Between two milestones Happy New Year Better late than never! While the Nomagic website hasn’t moved much, and no new was posted for a long time, a fair bit has actually been done in the background infrastructure of Nomagic. Reminder for Nomagic members: follow our Maintenance / issues room on...
  • Yearly update: 2023-2024
    Merry Xmas & Best wishes Keeping the ship afloat We hope that everyone is able to celebrate this end of the year’s festivities with family and friends. Nomagic is going steady with about 20 faithful members :blue_heart:. The last months have not seen any major overhaul, but several issues have...
  • Bimonthly update: July-August 2023
    A hot-maintenance summer Busy summer If you have been following our Maintenance / issues room on Nomagic’s Matrix server (#issues@matrix.nomagic.uk), you know that despite the lack of news, we haven’t been idle! There was a fair bit of application updates as well as OS upgrades. At Nomagic we basically use...
  • Bimonthly update: April-May 2023
    A new service for not-for-profit, available on demand Sorry we missed you It has been awhile since we posted some news on Nomagic. We are doing fine though, just got busy with various things. However as you can see below, there was still a fair bit of time put into...
  • Forums!
    Forum for your association! Nomagic is officially launching Forum-as-a-service! Forum is available on simple request for any not-for-profit organisation member. We have selected the FOSS web application Flarum, a shiny and sleek Forum solution which has been developed actively for years. Many websites have been implementing it throughout the years....
  • Bimonthly update: September-October 2022
    Online general assembly summary Announcement :arrow_up: Funkwhale (music streaming) and Seafile (file storage) quotas have been raised to 10 GB per member. :white_check_mark: Our General Assembly was held on September 21. Nomagic is going steady, and we are more or less covering the cost of the servers from the memberships....
  • Bimonthly update: July-August 2022
    Online general assembly on September 21 Achievements Upgrade of our 2 hardware servers to the latest Proxmox release Re-enabling replication between our 2 Postgresql database servers Announcement Nomagic’s general assembly will take place on September 21, from 6:00 PM BST onwards. It should last between one and two hours, and...
  • Bimonthly update: May-June 2022
    Few updates and few issues to fix Achievements There were a lot of application updates those last months, as well as some OS upgrades. Applications upgrades The following applications have been upgraded to their latest stable versions: Funkwhale (audio streaming) Peertube (video streaming) Mobilizon (events manager) Gitlab (code repository) Vaultwarden...
  • Bimonthly update: March-April 2022
    A Bunch of upgrades and some melodrama Achievements There were a lot of application updates those last months, as well as some OS upgrades. Applications upgrades The following applications have been upgraded to their latest stable versions: Funkwhale (audio streaming) Peertube (video streaming) Mobilizon (events manager) Sogo (webmail / calendar...
  • Monthly update: February 2022
    A new service for NGOs in the pipeline Achievements We gave a short presentation of CHATONS for ISF in Grenoble. It was a great opportunity to introduce many young people to Free and Open Source Software and the CHATONS collective. I realised that there is still A LOT of awareness...
  • Monthly update: January 2022
    Happy New Year 2022! This year we are going to reintroduce forum as a service for not-for-profit organisation. We are currently working on the automation for it. It will be based on the excellent Flarum solution. A dedicated blog entry will be posted once it’s ready. FOSSing around This new...
  • Monthly update: December 2021
    Nomagic’s year highlights. Ready for 2022? As the year is ending, let’s take this opportunity to thank all Nomagic members for being part of this journey for yet another year. From FOSS suggestions to user documentation, your contributions are much appreciated, and we are glad to have such engaged members!...
  • Monthly update: November 2021
    Consolidating before another roll up of system upgrades. Achievements We have made some adjustments on the mail server, better separating between your email folders and the storage of your Sieve scripts. The documentation for mail filters has been updated as well, as it had become obsolete. The more the merrier...
  • Monthly update: October 2021
    Alive and kicking! Achievements The infrastructure has been very steady during summer, and a major upgrade of the GNU/Linux distribution installed on the physical servers went through smoothly. Applications upgrades The following applications have been upgraded to their latest stable versions: Peertube (see official announcement) Mobilizon (see CHANGELOG) JitsiMeet Funkwhale...
  • Monthly update: July - August 2021
    Steady as she goes: 2 new services and some application upgrades. New services If you are not following the website news or the Matrix channel #atrium, you may not know yet that we have implemented 2 new on-demand services for our users: TiddlyWiki, a personnal wiki and non-linear notebook. Vaultwarden,...
  • Password manager
    Forewords Passwords: the one thing that sits between your online data and people with bad intentions. Let’s recap what makes a good password management policy: Never use the same password for 2 different service providers Whenever possible use long, random passwords (20+ is a good start) using a password or...
  • Non-linear notebook
    Introducing TiddlyWiki TiddlyWiki is a personal wiki and a non-linear notebook for organising and sharing complex information. personal wiki: it’s your own. This is by no means a collaborative software. non-linear notebook: there is no enforced hierarchy, and no need for careful planning, it will adapt to your thoughts :alien:...
  • Monthly update: June 2021
    A new server, application updates and new services in the pipeline. Announcement Nomagic has a new server! This brings a most welcome relief to the current server, and allows us to setup higher quota on the following services: :open_file_folder: Seafile: from 4 Gb to 8 Gb :movie_camera: Peertube: from 5...
  • Monthly update: May 2021
    Shiny new Instant Messaging XMPP server, application updates. Banner of the month This month, as I’ve just finished reading the absolute must-read that is The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi KLEIN, it’s the perfect opportunity to talk about Inventaire.io. Inventaire.io is an online application which lets...
  • Monthly update: April 2021
    Tying up loose ends, application updates. Banner of the month This month we’ll talk about what could be considered a veteran organisation in the struggle for our online civil liberties, including our fundamental right to privacy: the Electronic Frontier Foundation, aka EFF. EFF’s mission is to ensure that technology supports...
  • Monthly update: March 2021
    Nomagic transitions to a not-for-profit. Announcement Nomagic is now a French not-for-profit organisation :tada: Though we are registered in France, nothing will drastically change, and English will still be the default and favoured language to communicate. Once memberships are all settled (we haven’t opened the organisation’s bank account yet), we’ll...
  • Monthly update: February 2021
    Upcoming changes and recap of last month actions. Banner of the month This month we’ll talk about an app available for smartphones on Android called Exodus Privacy. It is intended to let you know the degree of privacy of your installed apps, so that you are able to make well-thought-out...
  • Monthly update: January 2021
    Nomagic upcoming how-to videoconference sessions, Peertube V3, better compatibility between Peertube and Pleroma. Banner of the month We would like to express our deepest disappointment in the UK justice system. After rejecting Julian Assange’s extradition request – a good thing, but for the wrong reason (UK judge Vanessa Baraitser pretty...
  • Monthly update: December 2020
    Proof of concept on inviting external users to cooperate on Kanboard and Gitlab, upcoming JitsiMeet sessions on Nomagic services. Banner of the month Hopefully for the last time :crossed_fingers:, this month we are showing our support to Julian Assange again. The US extradition hearing, which started last February in London...
  • Monthly update: November 2020
    Survey results, OS upgrades and a new service: Mobilizon! Banner of the month Keyoxide is a newcomer in the thorny issue of proving your identity online. There can be many cases when you would want to provide people with a way to verify that the person they interact with is...
  • Mobilizon: organise, gather, engage
    An ethical alternative Mobilizon is a tool that helps you find, create and organise events. It is an ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages. It is the latest FOSS project from the French not-for-profit organisation Framasoft (remember the De-google-ify Internet campaign which led to the creation of CHATONS...
  • Monthly update: October 2020
    OS upgrades spread until the end of the year, first Nomagic survey. Banner of the month This month we would like to bring your attention to the irreverent art project by Paolo Cirio, a conceptual artist, hacktivist and cultural critic. The project was initially available at https://capture-police.com/, which now redirects...
  • Monthly update: September 2020
    Free Press on trial, additional logo for Nomagic, handful of applications upgraded to latest stable. Announcement :tada: We have an additional logo! It took a fair time looking for the best way to represent Nomagic whenever text is not an option. After several tries, we have settled for this great...
  • Monthly update: July - August 2020
    Peertube authentication update, Matrix/Riot/Element simplified encryption verification, Limesurvey as an alternative to Google Forms. Riot is now becoming Element. Announcement Riot, the Matrix client we document on the wiki, has been renamed to Element. Also, the Android client for Element is a new application previously called RiotX, a full rewrite...
  • Monthly update: June 2020
    Navigation toolbar v1.0, static website hosting, ongoing maintenances and upgrades, upcoming Peertube upgrade to v2.2.0. Banner of the month This month we are promoting nyob - My privacy is none of your business, a non-profit organisation based in Austria. We found out about nyob via the Fediverse, as they recently...
  • Monthly update: May 2020
    Nomagic.uk translated into French, new videoconferencing service with JitsiMeet, ongoing maintenances, upgrades and issues. Banner of the month You may not have seen it if you are browsing from a mobile device, but there is a banner in the top-right corner of our web page. We are using this space...
  • Monthly update: April 2020
    Ongoing maintenances, upgrades on Pleroma, PrivateBin, LSTU browser plugin now compatible with servers enforcing authentication. Banner of the month You may not have seen it if you are browsing from a mobile device, but there is a banner in the top-right corner of our web page. We are using this...
  • Monthly update: March 2020
    A new audio streaming service, updates of Pleroma, Peertube & others. Banner of the month You may not have seen it if you are browsing from a mobile device, but there is a banner in the top-right corner of our web page. We are using this space it to advertise...
  • Monthly update: February 2020
    Ongoing maintenances and upgrades, gitlab external accounts creation, recurring issues on Lufi. Banner of the month You may not have seen it if you are browsing from a mobile device, but there is a banner in the top-right corner of our web page. We are using this space it to...
  • Monthly update: December 2019
    Major upgrade, hardware issue and several service upgrades. Banner of the month You may not have seen it if you are browsing from a mobile device, but there is a banner in the top-right corner of our web page. We are using this space it to advertise on endeavours and...
  • Monthly update: November 2019
    Social buttons on the Website and follow-up on Pleroma, Matrix and Peertube. Banner of the month If you are browsing from a mobile device, you may not have seen it, but there is a banner displayed in the top-right corner of our web pages on medium and high screen resolutions....
  • Microblogging on the Fediverse
    Microblogging First things first, let’s give a broad definition of microblogging: a form of brief and frequent blogging posts called micro-posts. Those can contain various content formats including texts, images, hyperlinks, videos and audios. a way of communicating from one to many very quickly (broadcasting). used for short and fast...
  • Monthly update: October 2019
    /e/, a new ‘Web tests’ section, and latest news from the backend front. Banner of the month If you are browsing from a mobile device, you may not have seen it, but there is a banner displayed in the top-right corner of our web pages on medium and high screen...
  • Monthly update: September 2019
    Open Rights Group, RSS-bridge, Etherpad-Lite, and ongoing efforts. Banner of the month If you are browsing from a mobile device, you may not have seen it, but there is a banner displayed in the top-right corner of our web pages on medium and high screen resolutions. We are using this...
  • Monthly update: August 2019
    Banner of the month If you are browsing from a mobile device, you may not have seen it, but there is a banner displayed in the top-right corner of our web pages on medium and high screen resolutions. We are using this space to advertise on endeavours and projects of...
  • Monthly update: July 2019
    Monthly updates Now that we have achieved setting up a fairly good amount of online services (20+), new additions will be more scarce. In order to maintain a minimum of communication, we will start doing monthly ‘activity reports’ on what has been done back in the shadow as time goes...
  • News aggregator
    Web feeds If you don’t already know about Web feeds, then you are in for a treat! What if I told you that there is a better, smarter and more private way of keeping in touch with your favourite news websites? A way to organise all your interests onto a...
  • Enters Matrix
    Follow the white rabbit First off, the people from Matrix.org made it clear on the official website FAQ that Matrix has nothing to do with the movie. However, it is far too tempting to not jump on the occasion to make all kinds of references to the cult movie. Let’s...
  • Joining the librehosters network
    librehosters Formally announced following the kick-off meeting which took place last November (2018), the librehosters network carries core values similar to those of CHATONS. The biggest difference is that, while CHATONS is not strictly restricted to France (as we can attest), it is a French collective, engaging and debating in...
  • CodiMD now available
    Do you speak Markdown? If you have never heard this word before, no need to fear friend! Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Its design allows it to be converted to many output formats, but the original tool by the same name only supports HTML....
  • Thank you!
    Time to show some love Embracing a tradition set by FSFE (Free Software Foundation Europe), Nomagic would like to express a big “Thank You” to the thousands of people contributing one way or another to Free and Open Source Software. Be it by writing code, providing feedback, raising bug reports,...
  • Wallabag gets an upgrade
    Wallabag Wallabag is an application which allows you to save and classify Web articles so that you can read them later. You can add annotations and tags to the articles you save as well. It’s interesting to backup full articles rather than just bookmark them because many times Web articles...
  • Updated notebook application Turtl goes public
    The secure, collaborative notebook application Turtl is a very swift and simple FOSS application. Its goal: to help you quickly create notes and keeping them organised. The project went through profound changes this year and we now have a new Turtl server and client applications. This brings several improvements upon...
  • Image hosting service
    A new service is born We are happy to annouce that our instance of Lutim (Let’s Upload That Image) is now online. You can now quickly upload and share a picture, screenshot, icon, wallpaper, etc. with anyone. note: this service is reserved to Nomagic users only (though the pictures can...
  • PeerTube on Nomagic
    Part of the Fediverse We are happy to announce that Nomagic now includes PeerTube, a video streaming service, on its catalogue! What makes it even more exciting is that PeerTube is developed with a decentralisation and federation mindset. This means that today already PeerTube instances (ie independent and separate PeerTube...
  • Support forum coming up
    Why a forum? While this was initially overlooked, we now realise that a nice and friendly support-dedicated forum will be a great asset combined with Dokuwiki for documentation and direct emailing for private or security issues. After looking into Discourse, a very popular and modern FOSS forum solution, we got...
  • Celebrating GDPR
    GDPR - day 1 This is it, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is finally implemented in Europe, and by extension to most of the world, since for companies that do not live off your data, it is far easier to apply the same Terms of Conditions to everyone. At...
  • Blogging as a service!
    New blogging service available via WordPress We have been working hard on provisioning a new optional service to allow our users to host their own blog on NOMAGIC. Using the hugely popular Free and Open Source (FOSS) content management system (CMS) WordPress, users are now able to create a blog...
  • Member of the CHATONS collective
    A bit of context The CHATONS collective started in 2016 after a very successful campaign in France lead by Framasoft, a non-profit organisation. The campaign, called De-google-ify Internet, promoted Free/Libre Software alternatives to proprietary services through implemention. They implemented many services and made them freely accessible to the public. For...
  • New public service!
    Temporary text share that is kept private We are happy to annouce that our instance of PrivateBin is now online. You can now quickly share a text with anyone in a safe way as part of our freely available services. We recommend to set a password when creating the link...
  • Registration is open
    Course set, steady as she goes! We are now open for subscription! It took pretty much a year and a lot of free time, and the registration process will need a lot of improvements, but we are proud to eventually propose our services to anyone looking for email and web...
  • Nomagic on Diaspora
    Who wants to get some freedom and IT news? A decentralised social network Diaspora is one of several existing decentralised social networks based on Free Software. The code is free, and the network is composed of pods. Connected together, they contribute to what we refer as the Diaspora social network....