Credits & Thanks
All written content on this website is distributed under Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0).
Icons used to illustrate this website are from the following sources:
- unDraw illustrations used on our homepage have been created by Katerina Limpitsouni, under its own license, compatible with GPLv3 regarding modifying the use of the SVG icons. Refer to the link for additional details.
- Font Awesome, by Dave Gandy, released under SIL Open Font License.
- Various Flaticon packs (credited when used).
- The canary bird is a derivative work of bird icon by Emoji One under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
- Nomagic logo ‘rabbit under a hat’ is a creation of R.ias under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.
note: icons/ logos from the Web applications and softwares we provide access to may be subject to trademark and/or copyright, please refer to the official application’s website to get more details.
CSS code for the ribbon is a derivative of Evan Dull’s CodePen.
CSS and HTML code for the Fediverse share button is a derivative of Tayfun Erbilen work on
Javascript code for the Fediverse share button is a derivative of Aly-ve’s Mastodon share button.
The whole Social share button code is available here.
Emoji artwork is provided by Twemoji, Twitter’s open source emoji library licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
This website is written using the Jekyll static website generator, available under MIT License.
The theme of our website is a derivative of the Swiss Jekyll Theme, also available under MIT License.
The homepage colourful background was generated at, licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
We thank all the communities and developers who contribute to Free and Open Source Software by sharing their work and making it possible for others to use, study, and modify